kludge - (or kluge) is a workaround, a quick-and-dirty solution, a clumsy or inelegant, yet effective, solution to a problem, typically using parts that are cobbled together.

RFDuino (a long-term post)

Posted: November 26th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: arduino, microcontroller, rfduino, wireless | Tags: , , | No Comments »

I got my RFDuino in today (http://www.rfduino.com/), if you aren’t familiar with it don’t worry. The RFDuino is a scaled down Arduino-clone with wireless capabilities (Bluetooth, specifically 4.0) built directly on the board. The project started as a Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1608192864/rfduino-iphone-bluetooth-40-arduino-compatible-boa) and has since been funded and deliveries are starting to arrive to earlier backers.

So I got my RFDuino in the mail and am pretty excited to give it a whirl. In addition to the RFDuino, the backing level I was at afforded me a Relay Shield as well as a RGB Push Button shield.

I will continue to update this post as thing progress with any thing I may feel is of help to others.

Stay tuned.

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